Bernadette Wagner. Author. Editor. Poet. Mentor.
Selected Literary Resume of Bernadette Lynn Wagner
info@bernadettewagner.ca http://bernadettewagner.ca @thereginamom
Bernadette Wagner is an award-winning, multi-genre author and community-builder who has edited more than 25 chapbooks and three books. She loves to sing and garden, cook and preserve, teach and learn, as well as play with words and language. With more than 25 years' experience in literary, magazine, newspaper, nonprofit, and online writing, she is the author of nine poetry chapbooks and two poetry collections – her first, This hot place (Thistledown Press, 2010), shortlisted for the Saskatchewan First Book Award and her second, The Dry Valley (Radiant Press, 2019) for the 2020 Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry. Her unpublished collection, Situate Uranium, placed Third in the 2021 John V. Hicks Long Manuscript Awards for Poetry. An excerpt tied for Runner-up of the 2020 City of Regina Writing Award and Over the past 30 years she has delivered hundreds of community-based lectures, courses, workshops, and one-on-one consultations about new technologies, writing, and basic computer skills at dozens of libraries, classrooms, and community centres.Throughout her work, she strives to give back to her communities all the encouragement and support she’s received on her journey.
Writing & Editing Background
Author: The Dry Valley (Radiant Press, 2019); This hot place (Thistledown Press, 2010); 12 poetry chapbooks (B Print Editions, 2002-2021)
Contributor: apart - a year of pandemic poetry and prose (SWG, 2021), Dave Margoshes, Ed.; Absent Mothers (Demeter Press, 2017), Frances Greenslade, Ed.; Without Apology: Writings on Abortion in Canada (Athabasca University Press, 2016), Shannon Stettner, Ed. Regular contributor: Canadian Dimension magazine, (2014-2017), Cy Gonick, Ed.; Occasional contributor: the prairie dog newsmagazine (2014-2019), Stephen Whitworth, Ed., and rabble.ca (2008-2014), Kim Elliott, Ed.
Books: nato’ we ho win: The Art of Self-Healing, An Artistic and Cultural Program for Indigenous Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence. Program Manual & Facilitator Guide, Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan, 2021. A Gift of the Prairie: Writings from the Southern Shores of Last Mountain Lake, Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre (LMLCC), 2014; Pivot Points: A Fragmented history of Mental Health in Saskatchewan, CMHA Sask, 2012.
Magazines: Spring: Emerging Saskatchewan Writers, Vol. 11, SWG, 2019; WindScript: The Magazine of High School Writing, Vol. 31, SWG, 2015.
Chapbooks/Broadsheets: Hiroshima Revisited, B Print Editions, 2021; Tales From the Lake: A collection of written & recorded stories, poems, essays, word art and whatnot, LMLCC, 2013; 28 poetry chapbooks and broadsheets (B Print Editions, 2002-present).
Manuscript evaluations: SWG Manuscript Evaluation Service; Private contracts with writers at various stages of development in multiple genres.
Workshops: What’s in a Lifetime: An Intro to Writing Memoir (Online), Prairie Central District, Sask Sport, Culture & Recreation, 2021, Big River, 2019, Regina Public Library, 2017, and Earl Grey, 2015; Making Sense, Eyebrow School, 2018; Writing Place, LMLCC, Regina Beach; Letters to the Earth, South Shore Elementary School, Regina Beach; Freewriting & Sensory Data, Robert Southey School; Guest Poet, Creating in the Qu'Appelle, Prairie Valley School Division; Write Your Heart, Lumsden High School; Women, Writing & Art, Lumsden ArtSpace, Weyburn Public Library, 2014;; Pop-Up Workshop, Provincial Capital Commission, Legislative Building, Regina, 2013
Courses: Write On! III (Online), Writers Collective of Canada, 2021; What’s Your Story? An Intro to Writing Memoir (Online), SWG, 2020; In the Write Space (Youth), Regina, 2019; In the Write Space (Adult), Centre for Continuing Education, University of Regina, 2017; Introduction to Creative Writing, LMLCC, Regina Beach, 2014; Introduction to Computers, Internet & Email, Regina Housing Authority, 2004-05, Seniors’ Education Centre, U of R, 2002-04, YWCA of Regina, 1998-99.
Runner-Up (Tie), City of Regina Writing Award, 2020
Shortlist, Saskatchewan Book Award for Poetry, 2020
Recipient, Independent Artist Award, Sk Arts (formerly Saskatchewan Arts Board), 2019, 2013, 2003
Participant, SWG Retreats, 1999 to 2020
Recipient, Hyland Volunteer Award, SWG, 2018
Apprentice, Vancouver Manuscript Intensive, 2017
Honourable Mention, Speak Up, Inspire Change, Saskatchewan Council for International Co-operation, 2016
Recipient, Short Manuscript Award for Children’s Literature, SWG, 2012
Recipient, Emerging Artist Award, Canada Council for the Arts, 2011
Recipient, Award for Innovative Program Design and Delivery, YWCA of Canada, 1999
Education & Training
Translation: Wild Words for the North, Erin Moure, Writing Wild Festival, September 2020
Language, Line, and Leaping in Short Forms, Dr. Micheline Maylor-Kovitz, Cathedral Village Arts Festival, May 2020
Sage Hill Writing Spring Poetry Colloquium, George Elliott Clarke, May 2019
Listening to the Poem’s Wisdom, SWG, Barbara Klar, 2018
Apprentice, Vancouver Manuscript Intensive, Rachel Rose, January to June 2017
Poetry as Babble and Doodle, Dennis Cooley, St. Peter’s College, 2016
Zoom in on the Details, Brenda Schmidt, St. Peter’s College, 2016
Manuscript Evaluation, Betsy Warland, 2016.
The Way of Writing, Natalie Goldberg, Prajna Studios, Spring 2021
Writing the Natural World, Helen Humphreys, Kingston Literary Festival, September 2020
Outliers in CNF, Nicole Breit, January 2020
Science Writing, Alanna Mitchell, CNFC Master Class, June 2019
Blue Pencil Session, Susan Olding, CNFC, June 2019
The Invisible Magnetic River, Dinty Moore, CNFC Master Class, May 2018
Finding Form in CNF, Betsy Warland, CNFC Master Class, May 2018
Writing in a More-than-human World, Trevor Herriot, CNFC Master Class, May 2017
Sacred Web SK, Carolyn McDade, 2001 to present.
Widening Embrace Recording Project, Banff Centre, Norma Luccock, 2011
My Heart is Moved Recording Project, Boston, Norma Luccock, 2007
A Continent in Song, Workshop, Lebret, Wilma Bell Wessel, 2005
Readings & Performances
Hiroshima Revisited, B Print Editions, Chapbook Launch (Forthcoming)
Hiroshima Revisited, River Volta Reading Series Podcast, Interview & Reading
Hiroshima Revisited: Poetry, Prose, Anecdotes & Images, Multimedia Presentation, Regina Public Library
Lunch is Lit with Joshua Whitehead, Saskatchewan Festival of Words
Radiant Reads, Cathedral Village Arts Festival
Bernadette & Jim: In Conversation, Facebook Live
Spring 2020 Tour, Vancouver, Kamloops, Penticton
The Dry Valley Launch, 13-city book tour in AB, SK, MB, ON and BC
Words in the Park, Featured Author, Regina Downtown
Rural Readings & Workshops, Big River Public Library, Big River SK
Host, Spring Magazine Launch, SWG, Regina and Saskatoon
Words in the Park, Featured Author, Regina Downtown
Poetry & A Pint with the Sask Poet Laureate, Guest Reader, Regina
Performers Cafe, Featured Author, Sask Festival of Words, Moose Jaw
Talent Night, Training In Power Academy Conference, Vancouver
SaskBooks Book Week, Panelist, Saskatoon
John M. Cuelenaere Public Library, Guest Author, Prince Albert
Vancouver Manuscript Intensive Graduate Reading, Vancouver
Fieldnotes from the Qu'Appelle, Ceramic Book, with Jay Kimball, Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre Residency Show, 2014; Consumerism, Art Card, with Barbara Vance Mader, 2010; Music & Poetry, with Dawn Alexis, Soul Sisters, 2009, Oh Emma, Performance, with Jim Mitchell, 2007; Ceres, Inscribed Coiled Clay Vase, with Cara Gaye Driscoll, 1996.
Artistic Citizenship
Active Memberships in Saskatchewan Writers Guild, 1994-present; Creative Non-Fiction Collective, 2013-present; League of Canadian Poets, 2010-2013, 2017-present; The Writers Union of Canada, 2010-2014; Chair, Co-Chair, Literary Co-ordinator, Cathedral Village Arts Festival, 2011-2015; Saskatchewan Singers of the Sacred Web, 2000-present; Regional Song Leader, Widening Embrace CD project, 2010-2011; My Heart is Moved CD project, 2007-2008.